Eric Rogers


The Biggest Spike Ever

By 13 years ago

21332 views 12 comments

Have you ever seen a spike this big?


Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

It reminds me of a longhorn.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Thats an extremely old deer. Probably would have been his last year of life. I've seen one deer in my life similar to this one. Not quite as wide, but higher.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I'd stick it to him.
rodney keckler

rodney keckler

in Pa your could shot him has to have 3 points on one side. but really nice one be looking good up on the wall
Timothy King

Timothy King

damn nice he could still do some damage with thos hooks

Mike Diggs

Mike Diggs

Saw one last year and this almost as big, good 18" spike
dessie simpson

dessie simpson

old cow horn spike..he is cool looking
Curtis Hasper

Curtis Hasper

looks like a cow i seen at a person i knows farm
Josiah Cooper

Josiah Cooper

I could get one like that here in East Texas, but wouldn't know whether to tag him as a >13" buck or a spike!
Bernie Allen

Bernie Allen

my bddy's have 1 thats a spike but it makes basketball
luc laframboise

luc laframboise

almost an antillope lol.
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Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

13 years ago

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