Phyllis Drier


Bucket List Buck 2019!!!

By 5 years ago

New Brunswick 5265 views 0 comments

This day began with 8 inches of snow on the ground and a frigid -17 C with the windchill! The sun was shining but the wind was just ripping! I called this big boy back with a loud SNORT-WHEEZE! Had him step into my shot at 110 yards and made a perfect behind the for'd shoulder shot! BBD! Over 300 lbs dead weight on the ground and we couldn't drag him, so thank God for a sleigh! This beautiful 5 1/2 year old is my first true mature buck. A beautiful inside spread of 18 1/2 inches and a 140+ class deer, in my freezer, and I am one happy lady to have shot my "Bucket List" Buck!!!


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