I've never seen hooves like this before. I'm guessing this deer walked around an area that had a very soft ground and prevented his hooves from wearing down or this is founder. I don't think this is a genetic defect. What do you think?
I've never seen hooves like this before. I'm guessing this deer walked around an area that had a very soft ground and prevented his hooves from wearing down or this is founder. I don't think this is a genetic defect. What do you think?
Jason Ferguson
Very odd.Kelly Lewis
I wonder if it could walk normal.Hunt Man
Founder?Linda Van Dyke
It could be a combination of things. When Horses founder, their hooves will grow like that. I don't know if deer can founder? If he was foundered, he's feet would have bothered him there fore not walking as much on them and he may have stayed on softer ground because it was easier and didn't hurt he's feet as much. Poor guy, glad he doesn't have to walk on them anymore.Jerry Wiggins
Where was this deer harvested? Nice rack!Mike Diggs
agree with Linda, may have been combonation, founder, soft soil.....Ken Howard
Not Founder, I see no feaver rings on hooves, just didn't get out and around much, probly just stuck in a pen or enclosure is all.Phillip Peters
I've seen a couple angus calves like this and was told that it is a byproduct of inbreeding.Roy Burkhart III
I commented on the other picture, this is caused by the deer being in a very soft area, with very little rock. we have killed several like this that we killed in refugio Texas. where the ground is almost all sand !!!Nick McPherson
looks like a healthy deer just needed a pedicureGordon Farrar
no guys sorry i saw an episode of Dr DEER james kroll's tv show and it had a segment on exactly this and im sure if you go to his website you can find it on there. It has absolutly NOTHING to do with soft ground it is to do with a calcium and mineral deficency in the deer and app. 1 out of every 1000 whitetails has can suffer from this conditionEric Rogers
That's the conclusion I've come to.Robert Randall
I shot an eight pointer 5 yrs ago and the hoofs looked the same way I sent a Leg to cornell and they said it was a swamp buck, there wasnt hard enough soil were he live to ware his hooves properlyrodney keckler
that is what I was going to say. it had to have been a swamp buck. to have been able to get around with them like that.James Harold Patterson
I have processed thousands of whitetail deer and have never seen this before!Isom Wells
Too much corn!Reece Baker
combination of being a swamp buck and calcium deficiency, maybe..Keng Moua
i think it need a trimAndrea Duncan
He hasn't been moving around on hard enough ground to wear them down, poor thing. But deer don't have farriers...Vaughan Wile
he was probably on welfare and just sat in the woods eating all dayEric Shepherd
Hahaaahha I concur with VaughanLawrence Bouchat
too much calcium in diet, penned deer that get to much corn in their diet have to be drugged and then trimmed, I shot a doe few years back like this, it feed on sweet corn most its life that the farmer grew. Saw many more in the area that was not as bad but was a problem in the area, a developed area with just one farm near that was getting 75% crop damage before farmer gave up trying to grow the corn. A few years later and the hoof problem tappered off.Shelby Johnson
This might sound weird but when the deer lives on to wet of land and not enough dryness or rocks for them to keep them down low just as we would fial our finger nails i have raised a few deer like that and thats what the vets told us so no big deal all in the habitatMartin Beaumont
How old can he be? It is very surprising that he lived for so long w. these difformity. It certainly was an easy target for predators.