Eric Rogers


Strange Deer on Camera

By 12 years ago

12485 views 6 comments

This short clip was caught on video at a Texas trail cam. There were two camera’s setup and the other 600 yards away caught a short glimpse also. View and angle on this cam appeared to be the best visual. Get a short glimpse here of these odd looking antlers, leaving many wondering what is wrong with this buck.


Dustin Fashing

Dustin Fashing

Looks like it has a darn hat on it lol !
Will Alexander

Will Alexander

It's hard to tell what's going on with it.


whats so strange about a deer wearing a top hat ??
Tucker Epperson

Tucker Epperson

looks like a ram from that angle..... weird.
Lane Payne

Lane Payne

It's a Tummer. I'm being serious
Christopher Kemp

Christopher Kemp

Nothing odd or strange about this buck. It has some type of moss or other clump of grass stuck in his antlers.
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Dropped onto the board:

Strange and Odd

18 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

12 years ago

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