Woodrow W


Amish handmade longbow buck

By 13 years ago

Wisconsin 8106 views 11 comments

Source : http://www.google.com/imgres?q=prairie state outdoors

Yes it's real. No it isn't photoshopped. This deer was taken by a 14 year old Amish boy using a handmade long bow. He stalked this buck using corn shucks for cover. The boy wasn't allowed to have his photo made with the trophy. A neighbor, Willie Flacid is posing with deer for the photo.


Jason Couture

Jason Couture

Unbelievable!!! What a BRUTE!! I bet he was king of the forest there as far as the White tails were concerned. Hope the genetics got distributed :)
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

That's a remarkable story. Made the bow by hand, stalked the deer, killed it with a long bow and then wouldn't have his picture made with it. Just taking a big buck with a long bow is incredible.
Jay Rink

Jay Rink

Wow! But I couldn't help LOL'ing at his neighbor.. Willie Flacid's name.... Roll call must have been rough as a kid...
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

He must have been a tough kid with a name like Willie Flacid.
ron schriner

ron schriner

the story is not real guys... yes the deer is but it was killed with a crossbow. yes by an amish man not a boy.
Taylor Didusch

Taylor Didusch

omg pure awesomenesss!! XD
ron schriner

ron schriner

look up adams county ohio amish buck on google
ron schriner

ron schriner

On opening day 2006, in Adams Co. OH, Jonathon Schmucker of Seaman, took a massive 36 point buck with a crossbow. Because he had access and was eating Lucky Buck, Jonathon appropriately named him 'Amish Lucky Buck.' The huge buck's green score was 304 gross and with deductions scored a 294 7/8. The inside spread was 24 inches as confirmed by the Ohio Dept. of Wildlife.
Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

have heard a lot of storys about this buck 4 years would like to know the trueth lol
Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

any way it goes wow what a buck!!!!!!!!
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