Source : http://www.google.com/imgres?q=prairie state outdoors
Yes it's real. No it isn't photoshopped. This deer was taken by a 14 year old Amish boy using a handmade long bow. He stalked this buck using corn shucks for cover. The boy wasn't allowed to have his photo made with the trophy. A neighbor, Willie Flacid is posing with deer for the photo.
Jason Couture
Unbelievable!!! What a BRUTE!! I bet he was king of the forest there as far as the White tails were concerned. Hope the genetics got distributed :)chuckles norris
That's a remarkable story. Made the bow by hand, stalked the deer, killed it with a long bow and then wouldn't have his picture made with it. Just taking a big buck with a long bow is incredible.Jay Rink
Wow! But I couldn't help LOL'ing at his neighbor.. Willie Flacid's name.... Roll call must have been rough as a kid...Woodrow W
He must have been a tough kid with a name like Willie Flacid.ron schriner
the story is not real guys... yes the deer is but it was killed with a crossbow. yes by an amish man not a boy.Taylor Didusch
omg pure awesomenesss!! XDron schriner
look up adams county ohio amish buck on googleron schriner
On opening day 2006, in Adams Co. OH, Jonathon Schmucker of Seaman, took a massive 36 point buck with a crossbow. Because he had access and was eating Lucky Buck, Jonathon appropriately named him 'Amish Lucky Buck.' The huge buck's green score was 304 gross and with deductions scored a 294 7/8. The inside spread was 24 inches as confirmed by the Ohio Dept. of Wildlife.Patrick Davis
have heard a lot of storys about this buck 4 years would like to know the trueth lolPatrick Davis
any way it goes wow what a buck!!!!!!!!Jay Dockray