Kyle Rawlings


Apple Creek 610" Whitetail: New Record

By 12 years ago

Wisconsin 111074 views 42 comments

What may be the biggest whitetail deer ever harvested by a hunter was taken August 25 at the Apple Creek Whitetail Ranch in Gillett, Wisconsin. The 4 1/2-year-old buck was shot by Apple Creek’s owner, Scott Follett, and green scored 547 inches. There is a 60-day drying period required before the buck can get a certified score, but it is looking very much like it will be the next world record. After the required 60-day drying period, the buck will go down in the books with a certified score of 610 2/8.


Riley Manzonie

Riley Manzonie

610 2/8! what a unbelievable buck. maybe we should find out what they were feeding that monster and sprinkle a little around the mountains..
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

It's the biggest I've ever seen.
Ben Garlie

Ben Garlie

shot on a hunting preserve so pretty much a high fence bunch of crap
gary beck

gary beck

its a freak in an enclosure
Bryce Cooper

Bryce Cooper

It's obviously a farm raised deer with years and years of science controlled genetics. Should not count for the world record. Shouldn't even be in the record books..
Jason Couture

Jason Couture

I agree, as impressive as it is its not one of the free roaming deer that deserve the title, not a farm raised buck. Its like blood doping in sports, ask Lance what happens lol!!
Murray Rudolph

Murray Rudolph

That doesn't have near big enough neck to carry them horns?
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

There are different forms of records fellas.
Richard Dierker

Richard Dierker

This is just not right-how can a buck say 10 years ago be compared to a genetic altered buck? Really B & C needs to start a new book after they started coming up with these super freaks and really funny the OWNER shot this deer! He knew this deer had no chance due to was a turn loose -not hunting that was shooting !!!
Anthony Kellum

Anthony Kellum

I Agree , to be considered to be in B&C or Pope & Young i believe it should be from public land or if it is from private land that land should not have deer feeders, food plots, or any means of baiting or the use of deer management boosters...Yea its cool if you shot the HULK of deer ...but how fair is it to be able to enter a deer that has been beefed up on Steroids, Radiation and Antler growth hormones...The rules should be like those of Sports ...No Drugs , Steroids, or unnatural means of boosting and growth...Cause it is obvious that deer is not natural..Hell i live in Bama and Can go 45 mins from my house to a Farm where they have breeder deer that would surely compete with that deer...since there are 3 breeder bucks there that measure over 350 B&C but how is it fair to Shoot a fish in well not even a barrel but a mason jar? Cause i bet when that guy shot that buck it was like shootin his prized he called it in (here deer deer deer) an put it down after givin it a good ol' bowl of CornALA Radiation...All in all it shouldnt be considered a trophy...It makes me sick at the values of some hunters these days...Im only 28 but i was brought up different when it comes to the values, respect , and beliefs of hunting and the woods...These days its all about How big the rack and how many not puttin food on the table...Sorry for the rambling...But its just wrong...And NOT SPORTSMANSHIP
Deanna Jones

Deanna Jones

Don't they have to be fair chase for B&C? Can't imagine why the owner would shoot him...
Chuck Connon

Chuck Connon

photoshop fail!
david stillo

david stillo

THE boone and crocket needs to wise the hell up and make more catergorys of records and 1 should be for pen raised deer REAL HUNTERS spend numerous hours scouting and busting our hump how to figure out how to take a monster buck we have located,any idiot can go out in the woods and shoot a tame deer that has been penned up most of its life and has no fear for humans,humans to them mean food(dinner time)..i would not be proud to display a tame deer on my wall,its almost like fattening up a farm cow till it reaches a certain size them kill it..this not real hunting in my opinion and B&C need to make different catergories for them, no whitetail deer in the wild with no growth hormones will never get to 610 inches,we all know this including B&C..unfair to True Whitetail hunters!!!
Robert Durant

Robert Durant

Only in the states hunting on farms that's deer I only 4 1/2 years old that would never be out in the bush and obviously by the owner he probably watched it for it's life span pumped it full of crap and shot it i could do that to if I owned a white tail farm no congrats to him come to Canada and hunt a real deer not farm bred
Dustin Underwood

Dustin Underwood

Hunting is considered a sport so if we can't drug ourselves in order to be te best then why can you drug animals to be the biggest? BS is what that is. And it doesn't even look real.
Daniel Graszl

Daniel Graszl

should of gave him another year
Matt Cramp

Matt Cramp

fuck that buddy no record books for you go to marineland and shoot the same thing. did he run into the fence after you shot him lol
Brandon Frazier

Brandon Frazier

How can he green score 547 then after 60 days of drying and shrinking it gained over 50 inches, bull shit, its not the B&C or P&Y record, its the SCI record, high fence deer cannot be added to the B&C or P&Y record book!!!!!!
Adam Gates

Adam Gates

It's not B+C, it's the new SCI record. You complaining need to educate yourselves before you go spouting off.
Brandon Frazier

Brandon Frazier

@ Adam Gates, AMEN brother, At least someone else reads into things!!!!
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

What's a SCI record?
luc laframboise

luc laframboise

Just ridiculous. I agree totally with Anthony and many of you.
david stillo

david stillo

Sci records are for business's,ect to show off who can grow the biggest basically...and they still call it a trophy...what a joke...i would much be more prouder to take a 190 class B&C the real way of actual deer hunting then a sci record buck..everybody has different opinions of what is a trophy and how to get a trophy,baiting or pen feeding a deer i consider cheating when it comes to deer hunting,no sport in it really,try tracking a 30 point buck for 30 miles through cornfields,now that takes alot of patience and stalking skills,i have done that.,i am a stalker type hunter i never use tree stands,i hunt the ground or stalk them and i am damn good at it,i have shot bucks in the middle of cut alphalfa fields,crawled through dry thistle patches ,gone into marshes with grass 12 feet high and water,crossed creeks to islands where i knew a big old swamp buck was bedding,scouting and doing my homework long before deer season ,now that is what deer hunting is supposed to be like,anybody can pay to go to some ranch and shoot a tame animal,you think your going to change the minds or opinions of us true deer hunters and call this a trophy..fat chance of that happening,..i don't care if it is a SCI record or not its still a joke as far as real hunting goes and should be banned,basically we all know why its done its called GREED..nothing else your doing it for the money not the sport of true Hunting iits a disgrace to the sport!!
Dave Castle

Dave Castle

Boone and Crockett club and Pope and Young have to be free ranging fair chase kills. Please understand the rules before complaining about them. Now that that is said, SCI has records for "estate" which is game ranch and records for fair chase. I also was wondering with Brandon, how the deer gained 50" after it dried. That dosesnt happen, it will shrink not grow.
Mike Smith

Mike Smith

Barn raised and backyard shot. Unbeliveable.
Robert Durant

Robert Durant

Agree with David stillo I'm the same way stalk hunt but we do use tree stands but the sci record bullshit is only for morons who pay thousands of dollars to shoot a deer of a farm... Anyone that hunts like that should just toss in the towel cause the way i hunt I could wait a life time to shoot something that is not even half the size of that deer... Greed is the only word that describes this no record at all just someone's pet
Tim Sye

Tim Sye

sci safari club international with that being said pope an young and B & C would laugh histerically at this dude an throw him out banning him forever
tyson ryhorchuk

tyson ryhorchuk

I wonder how much he paid to pet the deer before he shot it
David Russell

David Russell

was that shot by a nuclear power plant?? ugly rack...
michael anderson

michael anderson

how long did that take to photoshop?
Robert Dunning

Robert Dunning

awesome can't wait to see if it's real.
Calvin Hunter

Calvin Hunter

It's the new SCI record, It can't be placed in B&C or P& Y.... And everyone on here knows if they had the chance they would give anything to be able to shoot this buck them selves.... I know i would....
Dylan Shewchuk

Dylan Shewchuk

Grow a pet make it how u want it and shoot it that deer was built so it shouldn't count for shit
scott cardinel

scott cardinel

chuck is right . photoshop fail. they didn't even do a good job creating that pic
Sterling Atkins

Sterling Atkins

there is only one thing i got to ask... hot the bloody hell do you measure a rack like that?!?! please explain that to me?
Curtis Adam Hasper

Curtis Adam Hasper

fake if u look close enough
Ben Raney

Ben Raney

Ugly ass deer no pride in that farm deer shit
Caleb Rutter

Caleb Rutter

WTF is that thing fake or not that is one ugly ass deer
Dalton Fanning

Dalton Fanning

Why would you kill your pet that you raised and hand fed haha
dave kruz

dave kruz

that tome is not "hunting" it's shooting a fenced in animal that has a limited range to hide and are normally supplement fed from feeding stations or food piles, How could there even be a "RECORD BOOK" for these types of kills!
Tim Morgan

Tim Morgan

How did it gain inches after dry time? And I'll bet this was a pen raised deer that was fed all kinds of nutrients to make the rack grow! That's not hunting at all!!!
Tim Morgan

Tim Morgan

It does look fake too. Looks like he's holding some sheds or created antlers behind the actual antlers!
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