Estimated Price: $ 820,000
Source : http://www.bornrich.com/entry/at-820000-vo-falcon-edition-is-the-world-s-most-e...
VO rifles are all handmade and engraved by Mr. Master Gunsmith Viggo Olsson and his son Gunsmith Ulf Olsso of Sweden. The VO Falcon is the world’s most expensive rifle.
chuckles norris
Maybe I could just borrow it. The engraved falcon is pretty sweet.Eppe Saarenheimo
:OOOOOBrian Newman
Oh man! Would love to have that.Matt Hoffpauir
Wow.Mark Davison
I'll be dreaming of this.larry williams
My luck I would fall in the woods with it.Matt Maro
thats a beautiful riffle, problem is whoever buys this riffle will put it on the wall and never use it for fear of damaging the finish.Crystal Campbell
ohhh I think I would have to shoot it once... maybe twice lol Beautiful!