Estimated Price: $ 400
Source : http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoKgE1wpQBRgAujeJzbkF;_ylu=X...
Savage Model 340E chambered in .222 Remington caliber. This is one of my "go to" rounds for deer hunting. With light recoil, and accuracy out to well over 200 yards, it has never failed in delivering 1 shot kills on whitetails in the 20+ years I have hunted with it.
hunter sutcliffe
what is the maxuimum range to kill a deer with this rifleScott Hall
Hunter I have shot deer out to 200 yards with this little gun, one shot one kill. No need for a hand cannon to kill a whitetail. This is my "go to" gun for whitetails.hunter sutcliffe
do you know how muchh they on average cost and how muuch on average ammo costs