Hunter Gillespie Palmquist


White Tail

By 12 years ago

2043 views 5 comments

This made it to the 200 club. Those are some long beams.


Bradley O'Neil

Bradley O'Neil

wow!.. amazing buck
Nick Melnyk

Nick Melnyk

No kidding, look how thick the rack is, holy
Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

were was it killed at
Pat Calahan

Pat Calahan

Incredible! What did you feel when he walked up and you dropped him? Whats your story, Id love to hear it.
Jason Wallace

Jason Wallace

It for sure ain't no southern deer... I would have a heart attack before I could shot it in SC
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Dropped onto the board:


1 Drop

Originally Dropped by:

Javier Ruiz

Javier Ruiz

12 years ago

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