Scott Hall


Texas whitetail hunt

By 13 years ago

Texas 2163 views 7 comments

This is the culmination of my successful whitetail hunt in Texas. Shown in this pic left to right are Steve Lecorchick, myself & my dad Ken with my Texas 10 pointer.


Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Gorgeous deer man. Thank you for showing that it's possible for anyone to do anything no matter the condition. You are a true inspiration and I hope you have many many more successful hunts and more gorgeous deer with perfect racks like that!!
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

I forgot to mention. This will be my girlfriends first season and she is suffering from severe M.S. and has problems getting around the field as well as drawing a bow or shooting a rifle. We we able to locate a youth .308 for her and she was actually backing out of the season due to pain and after showing her your massive buck.. You have inspired her and she is truly ready to take on the season. Once again. you truly are a strongman and I am so glad I saw where you were following my post. It is an honor to speak with you
Scott Hall

Scott Hall

Thanks Nick. I have been really blessed in my life to have been able to hunt in some beautiful country and with some great people. I've always said where there is a will there is a way. I hope your girlfriend has a very enjoyable and successful season this year. I hope we as sportsmen and women never lose sight of the fact that the REAL trophy in any hunt is just being able to be out there, enjoying God's creation and making memories with those we care about. A kill is just icing on the cake. Take care man and God bless.
Heidi Bennett

Heidi Bennett

My brother-in-law is a quadroplegic due to an accident on a 4-wheeler. While you and him differ on the reason of you being in a chair, you both love to hunt and don't let being paralized hold you back. I will post a picture of the set up my husband and father-in-law made so my brother-in-law could still hunt and the gorgeous buck he shot a few years back. Keep hunting!
Scott Hall

Scott Hall

Thanks Heidi. Where there's a will there's always a way. I have had to make a few adjustments due to being in a chair but I've been really blessed to be able to take several whitetails in almost 25 years of hunting them.
Tom McElwain

Tom McElwain

Nice buck Scott hope you shoot many more>
Scott Hall

Scott Hall

Thanks Tom. I'm scheduled to hunt both Ohio and Illinois this upcoming season so I'm hopeful I'll be able to shoot something a little bigger than this one, but it's not the size of the buck but the size of the memory made that's the real trophy to me. All the best to you this season as well.
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Texas whitetai...

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Scott Hall

Scott Hall

13 years ago

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