On March 11 I called this Osceola off of a wildlife management area onto private land. I scouted the area for weeks and got a good idea of where they were roosting. This was the second bird I setup on that morning. I killed this bird in the spot I had planned on hunting but was unable to get setup do to another gobbler in a tree on my way in. After getting busted by a hen and failing at pulling the first gobbler in range, I got setup on the road I had anticipated hunting that morning. Within 5 minutes he hammered off the roost with no calling at all. 3 hours later my enticing yelps and cutting paid off. I was able to pull this bird approximately 300 yards through the swamp land into my shooting lane. After getting hung up 3 or 4 times he appeared out of the brush with another hen and started walking the other way down the road. At 9:30 AM I let him have it! I counted off 73 paces to where he laid. Probably one of the most memorable hunts of my Lifetime. I'm 15 by the way..
Josh Thompson
Sounds like you had a durn good hunt. Any specs on the bird weight, beard length, spur?Ryan Kulinski
were abouts did you take the bird at in florida?Jered Adams
We never weighed the bird but I would estimate around 20 pounds. He had a 10 1/2" beard and 1 1/4" spurs.Jered Adams
This was in Central Florida, Marion County.