Harvesting does as part of herd management is an excellent way to keep your deer herd in balance with the available resources. Check out this massive doe I killed during the first week of November in Southern Ohio. Very old, and very large, close to 190lbs live weight. An arrow through both lungs at 40 yards meant she didn't go far!
Hunt Man
She's a big girl. 40 yards is a long shot. I need a new bow.Zack Doyle
Haha when animals are not alert, 40 yards on a doe this size is a chip shot. A 375 grain arrow at 335 fps zipped right through her like she wasn't even standing there, even with a huge 2" 3-blade Grim Reaper expandable on the front. Oh, and yes you do need a new bow. We need to get that taken care of.Johanna Lamendola
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