This is my first deer with traditional equipment. It took me forever to finally get it done, and it felt so great. Even did it during our general firearms season. Doe management is key!
This is my first deer with traditional equipment. It took me forever to finally get it done, and it felt so great. Even did it during our general firearms season. Doe management is key!
Hunt Man
I was going to ask if you ever shoot a recurve. My dad's been reading up on making them and want to do so. I made one with a draw blade when I was younger. I used a hay string and some wooden arrows from wal-mart. When I shot it for the first time the arrow went about three times as far as I expected. I'd love to shoot a professionally built recurve.Zack Doyle
Yeah this is a pretty high end limited edition Martin recurve and it shoots wonderfully. I have never attempted to build my own, but I have done quite a bit of reading on it, and it is much more involved than most people think. Its generally a 3-6 month process at best, and I dont have that kind of patience. Maybe when I'm older...