Woodrow W


Chevy hits moose.

By 13 years ago

Canada 7392 views 6 comments

Source : http://thegreatwhitehunter.wordpress.com/tag/moose-hit-by-truck-crazy-outdoor-a...

This truck hit a moose that ended up on top of his camper.


Paula Thomas

Paula Thomas

Hope everybody in the truck was ok.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Ouch. Notice the spot where hit the camper.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

wow thats on a interstate too, must of been a heck of a impact!
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Probably the only thing worse to hit with your truck would be a rainbow trout. The trout wouldn't do much damage, but the rocks at the bottom of the river would.
Jon Lalone

Jon Lalone

that spot on the camper looks like either the driver or the moose shit them selves on impact lol!!!!
Lloyd Sheldon

Lloyd Sheldon

I think bullets are cheaper...!!!
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Woodrow W

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