Eric Rogers


Bizarre Deer Rack

By 13 years ago

North Dakota 12057 views 5 comments

North Dakota Mule Deer


Troy Walters

Troy Walters

sure it isnt a muley? kind of looks like it to me
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Good call.
Dan Brown

Dan Brown

May look like a muley, but what happened to him? Maybe he ran into a vehicle head on when he was just forming!
randy benzing

randy benzing

it looks like that would have prevented him from eating.
Delanah Selm

Delanah Selm

ouch, you can tell they grew that way. If he was hit by a car it would have just pushed them down but you can tell by the base of the antlers and what direction the are coming out of his head. So sad.
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Strange and Odd

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Originally Dropped by:

Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

13 years ago





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