Kyle Rawlings


Biggest Raccoon I've Seen

By 13 years ago

55971 views 15 comments

How many caps do you think this will make?


Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

didn't know they got that big
Will Alexander

Will Alexander

That would make one cap for my mother in law's big head. With an extra flap to cover her face and mouth. You know, just in case she gets cold.
Heath Boeddeker

Heath Boeddeker

Wow I want one like that .
Jeremy Griffin

Jeremy Griffin

damn that is huge I think I would have it mounted
Richard Wheat

Richard Wheat

Yea you right photoshopped and not very good cause that dude has one big hand.
adam johnson

adam johnson

actualy I don't think that's photo shopped. I have caught coon as big as 76 lbs here
Glenn Marvel

Glenn Marvel

The largest recorded wild raccoon weighed 28.4 kg (62.6 lb) and measured 140 cm (55 in) in total length, by far the largest size recorded for a procyonid.[35][36]
wikipedia quote LOOKS PHOTOSHOPPED
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

its not photoshopped, he's just holding it you from him towards the camra

and Adam where did you find a 76 pound coon at?
Richard Rezabek

Richard Rezabek

How long is it? The biggest I have ever seen was a pair, the boar was 6' from tip of the nose to the tip of his tail, and the sow was 5' from tip to tip.
Joe Mc

Joe Mc

holy shit thats real big
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

friend of mine holds the kansas state record at 52.12 lbs just picture a 50lb bag of dog food with a head tail and four feet
iv trapped coons ran coon dogs and the best iv ever taken was just under 40lbs
where in the heck did ya get or find a 76lb coon at or from id like to see that picture
my friend lives in norton kansas he ks fish and game had his mounted for him and trust me its a site to be seen
Duane Berg

Duane Berg

thats what happens alot people end up with a world record and dont even know it and they just skin it, cut it up or just eat it,i have coon hunted alot and got many in the 40# range but only a few that tipped the scale at over 50# an that would be late fall coon, and i would say that would have to be a northern coon and if it wasnt pen raised to bad it wasnt varified he miss out on a record

douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

i have coonhunted all my life and from maryland to texas and i have never seen one that big good job
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

I've seen big coons. Never anything like this. Isn't Photoshoped. Too detailed around the fur.
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

Not photoshopped at all. Nice coon man. Very nice!
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Coon Hunting

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Originally Dropped by:

Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

13 years ago




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