Kyle Rawlings


Big Hog Won't Fit in The Truck

By 13 years ago

22667 views 10 comments

This hog looks like it's heavily bred with a domesticated one.


Will Alexander

Will Alexander

they've done this before
rodney keckler

rodney keckler

no where for him to hide. don't forget to trun him over about 1/2 back to camp
Neal Blake

Neal Blake

It's all in the camera work. Items closer to the camera look much bigger.
Scott Rowland

Scott Rowland

we're gonna need a bigger truck.
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

its so funny when someone says things look so much bigger when the camer is so close ....bigger or smaller look at the shit in the background and compare it to it....u really thank the truck is ten feet away or ten inches away????? it looks to be a 90s or nissan pick up and there beds are only 4ft wide so do the math ....its clearly a big hog and do any of you actually know anything about hogs be it wild hogs or domesticated hogs ?????????? do u know after a domesticated hog leaves captivity it takes less then 3months befor the change color start growing long hair and the revert back to the wild??? the breed every 3 months 3 weeks 3 days give or take a few days....they have between 4 and 14 babies each litter ...these biolidgests who say different just dont know and or have to say that to keep people to a minimum.....they eat anything and everything from trees to meat and everything in between why do ya thank they get so big why do u thank they have to come bring in the choppers and so called sharp shooter in to remove them every three months or so in the state of kansas and kansas city mo cause in the great state of kansas its against the law to hunt wild hogs oh u can shoot them but dont get caught with them such a wast owe u can obtain the rights to shoot them but then again ya cant keep them leaglly so they say...just like the pumas/moutain lions around here feeding on our live stock caught on out trail cams or on our video cams as were out and about they dont have any natural preditor sept for when there on the mommas tit anything from owls and hawks to yoties and dogs so remember for everone u shoot there are at least 30 more to take it place in another month or so
Daniel Britt

Daniel Britt

Ya what he said! Lol fat basterd broke his tailgate, that will learn him
Brandon Scott

Brandon Scott

Sorry Neal but this has nothing to do with the camera distance. What a frickin hog!
Thomas Roberts

Thomas Roberts

at that point i think it classifies as a deer haha


i dont think 2 paragraphs is necessary ! hogs are just that hogs they all need to be shot !
Brandon Reda

Brandon Reda

really guys i dont know if it is just me but does anyone see a bullet wound on this thing and look at its front feet the ground is pawed is this thing even dead
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Hog Hunting

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Originally Dropped by:

Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

13 years ago




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