Zack Doyle


2011 Archery Buck Broadhead

By 13 years ago

Pennsylvania 6557 views 6 comments

How about this broadhead path right through the center of the heart of my 2011 PA archery buck. Put a big Grim Reaper Razortip through the heart like this, and they don't make it far. Watch em' drop!


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

You weren't kidding around with that shot.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I try not to...
Charlie Beanish

Charlie Beanish

Nice shot!
Bill Maderos

Bill Maderos

Yeah, that'll do the trick!
Ian Brunson

Ian Brunson

r u sure u didnt just stab it after u gutted it
Ian Brunson

Ian Brunson

just sayin
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Monster Bucks!

40 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

13 years ago

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