Brian Newman


Swollen Doe

By 13 years ago

25008 views 10 comments

Even if this doe is pregnant with triplets, she's way too swollen up. Anyone know what's going on with her?


Brenden Windsor

Brenden Windsor

Dylan Lewis

Dylan Lewis

shes probably plugged up and that's gas in her stomach shes dead now most likely.
Richard Valimont

Richard Valimont

parasites of some type or maybe by the small sores she was gutshot with a small caliber rifle such as a 22,and some intestines were punctured.
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

way too much clover or greens have clogged her up. she will probably explode from the inside due to all the gas build up. poor thang wont live long in this condition. thats one of the backfalls of having green fields. deer tend to over eat.
Bradley Coker

Bradley Coker

wonder if she will blow up if u shoot her...
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

probably disentegrate into a gazillion pieces. its pure methane gas inside. just like a humans gases
Matt Maro

Matt Maro

agree with richard, kinda looks like it could be a shot from a shot gun, looks like there are more then one red mark on her belly
Matt Maro

Matt Maro

animals nor humans explode from eating food, you'll throw up before your belly explodes
Thomas Harliwich

Thomas Harliwich

Its called bloat cow and sheep die from it all the time
Darrel Cox

Darrel Cox

I have had to treat goats from bloat (not fun running a tube down their throat into their rumen). Goats are very close to deer in the design of their digestive anatomy.

All that to say, this does not look like gaseous bloat from eating. The distention in those instances typically bears to the the horizontal on the sides, not the bottom (you will see it particularly on the left side of the rumen). If a goat or deer were to reach this size due to bloat, the gases would have already pressed against the pulmonary and respiratory systems, shutting them down. The deer would have expired far before this stage. That is why it is crucial to relieve gas bloat even before it looks bad to the eye. In short, IMHO this deer is far too big to have gaseous bloat simply from eating.

My guess is extreme pregnancy. My second guess is extreme infection in the bowels. Depending on the time of the year, I would lean heavily toward the first guess.
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Deer Diseases

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Brian Newman

Brian Newman

13 years ago

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