Brian Newman


Strange Deer Defect

By 13 years ago

20277 views 14 comments

Like humans, deer can acquire many types of internal and external tumors, cysts, swellings, cancers, and defects. Causes vary from injuries to bacterial and viral infections.


Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Looks like a wicked hernia.
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

Contrary to what Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks, it's probably a tumor.
Thomas Humphrey

Thomas Humphrey

A set of BALLS?
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Looks like a tumor in the scrotum.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

Stephanie McGillicky

Stephanie McGillicky

I've got big balls...he's got big balls..he's got the biggest balls of them all!
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

Not plural...cuz it's really just the 1 ball. Hang THAT in a tree.
Michelle Weckerly

Michelle Weckerly

just a bad case of blue balls
Steven Sanmarco

Steven Sanmarco

Makes me think of an AC/DC song
joshua hodge

joshua hodge

over sized balls most definitely
Eric Edwards

Eric Edwards

mother fucker that must hurt
Troy Cuppy

Troy Cuppy

try jumping a fence with THAT!!
Andrew Brown

Andrew Brown

He is the deer not so lucky with the ladies. Poor fella got backed up. lol
Terry Alston

Terry Alston

Looks like an STD...
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Dropped onto the board:

Deer Diseases

5 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Brian Newman

Brian Newman

13 years ago

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