Brian Newman


Big Overbite on Buck

By 13 years ago

15093 views 16 comments

I've never seen anything like this. It's clearly a genetic anomaly.


Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Roy Mac Powell

Roy Mac Powell

Cull this buck from herd.
Will Alexander

Will Alexander

Hope he don't have trouble eating.
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

Yea I would take him out.
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

with an overbite like that, he could eat corn on the cob thru a chain link fence and never miss beat. lol
Lawrence Bouchat

Lawrence Bouchat

bot fly infection?
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

No trouble eating. Mating maybe.
Carlos De Valdes

Carlos De Valdes

it is Pinochio
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

looks like he just had a nose job and is still healing!
nadine eli

nadine eli

his jaw was broken, i have a lil orphan buck fawn we are raising right now that looks exactly the same, first time we let him out to run he came home with a severely broken jaw, figured he got kicked tryin to get a ninny off a wild doe, left it alone except putting neosporin and bactine spray where bones had busted through skin, he can't suck a bottle so i use a big syringe with peepsight tubing from my bow to feed, but he browses just fine on grasses and leaves and eats grains fine, cob corn may be a have 4 different friends with deer farms so this is not cruel or unusual, just a part of being a deer sometimes, crap happens ... mating should not be affected.. um i'm not a guy but i know a jaw injury does not effect the perfomace of your package

Chris Smith

Chris Smith

like Bill Engval says......It's a dork deer!
Andrew Brown

Andrew Brown

Nadine, I like the way you think, lol however a properly grown snout is a part of the mating with animals and i believe also with humans if it's done right. lmao.
Kevin Baus

Kevin Baus

Personally Nadine! If ur raising the fawn and it came home that way u should have had the brains to call a vet since u care so much and want to raise a wild animal like ur dog. Or u should have taken it out back and dropped it with some triple ott... Have some respect for the creature and not ur own personal gain by saying u raised a wild deer... IDIOT!
Teresa Hostetter

Teresa Hostetter

My dad killed one in 82 that the deer's mouth was just like that. he was told by a game warden that some are born that way. that to eat they have to lay on the ground and eat sideways.
Martha Holland

Martha Holland

Wow thats dif...
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Deer Diseases

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Brian Newman

Brian Newman

13 years ago

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