Estimated Price: $ 820,000
Source : http://www.bornrich.com/entry/at-820000-vo-falcon-edition-is-the-world-s-most-e...
VO rifles are all handmade and engraved by Mr. Master Gunsmith Viggo Olsson and his son Gunsmith Ulf Olsso of Sweden. The VO Falcon is the world’s most expensive rifle, $820,000!!!
chuckles norris
More "work of art" than gun. Incredible craftsmanship.Woodrow W
I'll never own it. I would just like to see it.john bartley
nice i would love to see it in person the quality and craftmenship un believable i would never own anything i cant shoot or take in the field i have a 7mm mag endorsed by wild turkey federation i hunt with regulareyJason Couture
My sediments exactly John, its way to beautiful of a work of art to take into the field. Besides you'd prob have to hire a security detail while you take it out at $820,000!!!Jerry Wiggins
All I can say is WOW!