Woodrow W


Leupold VX-6 Scope

By 12 years ago

2200 views 4 comments

Estimated Price: $ 1,249

Source : http://www.leupold.com/hunting-shooting/scopes/

VX-6 2-12x42mm CDS Illuminated Reticle. 6x zoom ratio.


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

At $1,249 I think I would just have to shoot something closer.
Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

Too steep for my blood.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

I would like to think my stalking abilities are better then a $1,249 scope. Not saying I wouldn't buy one if I suddenly came into a bunch of money.......Cause I would.
Daniel Alexander

Daniel Alexander

go with the nikon prostaff way better price and i my opinion just as good or better
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