rodney keckler



By 12 years ago

8964 views 12 comments

the way he hunts


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

That's a big bison there.
Henry Phillips

Henry Phillips

Kill a bison with a spear... that's impressive.
Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

I don't think I have the strength to do this.
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

They use some hefty spears.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Never used a spear. Perhaps I'll try it this fall.
Trevor Rommelaere

Trevor Rommelaere

is this wild bison?
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

how the??? better yet why??
Jake Eddleston

Jake Eddleston

kelly lewis, not that you don't have the strength its you and me both probably don't have the balls !
James Page

James Page

I think I could have used a little bit smaller spear... I refuse to try to throw a tree....
Bruce Merkley

Bruce Merkley

James, I'm only guessing but I think it was used as a lance. just a guess, hats off to anyone who could launch that thing by hand.
chad wagner

chad wagner

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rodney keckler

rodney keckler

12 years ago

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