By dylan ekern 13 years ago
Wisconsin 6608 views 13 comments
These buck are from Apple Creek Whitetails Ranch up in Wisconsin but I would die if I saw this on my land if I was hunting.
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Originally Dropped by:
dylan ekern
13 years ago
Tags: hunting, -deer-hunting, -whitetails
Tags: deer-hunting, -thebigdeer, -whitetail-hunting
Eric Rogers
I'd go with the one in the back with all the junk.Kyle Rawlings
I like the one in the middle with the messy brow tines.Hunt Man
The one in the back.Hunt Man
Actually, any of them.Mark Davison
Last one.Roy Adams
The one in the back.Andrew Stovall
Middle with the roughed up furRob Sallade
any of them if i got the chanceMike Mellon
they would be on the wall and in the freezerGeno Crumpton
I would shot the second one from the right!!!!!Colin Novak
well if like shooting deer in a pen then go for itBrock G
ill go for any that will come in range of me that i see. they are all very nice trophy bucks in my opinion.Reece Baker
any of them would put the fever in me if they to walk up on me in the woods...