Kyle Rawlings


Turkey Huntress

By 12 years ago

Minnesota 3639 views 6 comments

If I was a turkey, I'd probably walk right up to this huntress. Nice turkey.


Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

I think women can be sneakier ;-)
Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

You're probably right.
Josh Thompson

Josh Thompson

I agree some of the best hunters i know are women
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

i think a lot of them are a better shot
Patrick Snell

Patrick Snell

I'd probably walk right up to both of them, they are both beautiful!
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

she is hot there is nothing sexyer then a women with a bow let alone a nice tom she took with her far as i am concerned they listen better never have that chip on there shoulder as in who does he thank he is i am a man i can do it better bs they listen to everthing u teach them they ask questions and they follow directions how many men out there has taken another man hunting into ur hunting timber set him up in a prime location u have seen deer there all yr and then u head off to ur stand and 3 hrs later u catch a climpse of them walking through the timber only to blow not only there chance at a nice buck but urs to...u take or find a gal that likes to hunt and they will be ur best hunting partner out there lesson u and ur buddy try to film ur hunts then and only then do we stick together and make a plan or change our position as a team not as oh he will understand bs i put u in my stand i expect u to stay there tell dark or mid day and i signal u to come on lets go get lunch or hey this or that
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Turkey Hunting

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Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

12 years ago



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