Alan Ralph Wheeler


The Strangest Deer of 2012

By 12 years ago

Louisiana 33227 views 13 comments

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Have you ever seen anything like this? This was killed in Louisiana this year by our friends at SBO. I do not blame them at all for taking out this deer. I feel deer like this should be taken out of the heard to keep a clean gene pool.
Call BW Hunts to book your next deer, turkey, or hog hunting trip.


Jason Hawthorne

Jason Hawthorne

It looks like it shoulda been twins. Those are legs coming out it's back. This can happen when there is a defect at birth. Two fawns should have been born but the egg didn't split successfully. Good call by the hunter to take this deer, it keeps the population healthier. Pretty interesting picture though!
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

yeah twins?
Sara Prideaux

Sara Prideaux

Twins! Jason beat me to the explanation!
Jason Wallace

Jason Wallace

I wonder if they grew into the backstraps?
Jake Eddleston

Jake Eddleston

i am pretty sure that it ran really fast into another deer or maybe a goat
Andrew Brown

Andrew Brown

Awesome, backstrap and small steak all in one cut of meat, Best of both worlds! lol
Tanner Newman

Tanner Newman

that's crazy.
cory schneider

cory schneider

with deer runnin around like this book a hunt???? granted its just twins that the embryo didnt separate before birth but still. way to advertise and spark someones interest
Josh Long

Josh Long

wow amazing, never ever thought i would see anything like that
Erin Barnes

Erin Barnes

I wonder if it had duplicate organs of any kind... probably was a twin
Brandon Roberts

Brandon Roberts

i wonder if he would consider that he killed 2 deer?
Bret Rogers

Bret Rogers

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