Kyle Rawlings


Sons Save Father from Vicious Deer Mauling

By 11 years ago

Louisiana 4824 views 2 comments

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This guy was quoted “Oh my god, Chad be careful, he’s in rut. "He hardly had time to finish his thought before the deer was upon him. “By this time, he just grunts at me, snorts, blows and charges. I go backwards and I trip and fall backwards on my butt. “My leg at this time, I could tell something was wrong with it, I could feel tingling and numbness."

"I started getting throbbing pain around the knee area. I had no idea if the horn was still in me, if he had stuck me once, twice, didn’t know how bad it was,”

His son ended up shooting the deer. Pretty crazy story.


luc laframboise

luc laframboise

He's got a mean look that buck lol.
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Kyle Rawlings

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