matthew boyer


opening day of rifle season

By 12 years ago

Tennessee 2078 views 0 comments

after me and my brother shot at three does that were coming out to this field, all of em scattered and not one was shot. as soon as they disappeared into the woods i watched this deer come out from the other side of the field. i put my scope on the deer and all i saw was antlers. immediatly i told my brother to grunt at em.. thats when he turned broad side and at 300 yrds i shot and watched him jump ten feet into the air, and took off towards the creek. well afterwards a doe stepped out into the open field at about fifty or sixty yrds. i told my brother to take her out and with one shot she was down.... so after an hour of impatient waiting we got out of the stand and looked for blood trails and not one drop was found. an hour went by with nothing being found and i was ready to give up, well i turn around to my brother and i watched him put his scope on another deer that was coming into the field. turned out to be a spike though. so afterall of that i told him im going to look around the creek fearing that he might have jumped the creek and been lost forever i looked and looked. finally i went up a hill into thick brush and seen nothing but antlers.... it was a big ole nine point. i was the happiest hunter that day and still. my brother and i had a very great day.


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matthew boyer

matthew boyer

12 years ago

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