Justin Beutler


Odd Buck

By 12 years ago

Wyoming 5375 views 6 comments

I shot this buck the other day thinking it was doe. Legally, he's a doe, but what's cool about this little guy is that one of his antlers is all messed up, it grew down. not up.


James Leibli

James Leibli

how is that legally a doe?
Justin Beutler

Justin Beutler

because in wyoming if the antlers don't grow above the ears, it's legally a doe.
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

the other one is above its ear, wouldnt that make it a buck if thats the case? but thats a cool buck, i'd mount that on just for him being a odd ball
matthew carlson

matthew carlson

hes not that odd all that happen is at some point her either ran into a tree or got hit by a car and cracked his skull i have shot like this its not that un common to see
James Leibli

James Leibli

oh the other antler looks to be above the ear as Michael said here in Iowa it's different
Justin Beutler

Justin Beutler

well if thats the case im glad i used my general tag on him.
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Justin Beutler

12 years ago

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