Jordan Wenkman


New bow fishing rig

By 13 years ago

Tx 3726 views 5 comments

Tried it last night worked out pretty well.


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

That's awesome man!
Paul Carter

Paul Carter

Sweet rig.
Daniel Webb

Daniel Webb

what ever works i guess lol but have fun shootin bout a 6 1/2 ft gar
Roscoe Solley

Roscoe Solley

Why run the straps under the boats, you have nose and tail straps you could have tied to. Over kill, and that has been done for years, ask the old timers that owned "Fol-boats", they'll tell you a lot of things they use to do like this. i.e. ; Covered duck blind, base for 10 ft deer tower for shore hunting, floats for a temp. bridge to get to a lake way off the beaten path in upper Canada, Platform for river Scuba diving, and the list goes on and on. But I will say, I'm glad to see someone thinking back in the days again. Good job. You could also add a mast to the front center and try your hand at sailing.
Phillip Peters

Phillip Peters

Looks good. I learned on fanboats in Louisiana and brought it back to where I live in California and about the only place we have to do it is from the bank
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Jordan Wenkman

Jordan Wenkman

13 years ago



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