Pat Calahan


My Biggest 8 PT

By 12 years ago

Brown, County, Ohio 1752 views 0 comments

11am, ready to vacate the stand and here he come all 280 lb of him. I was a mere 42 yards from him with my old full metal Crossfire Crossbow. He ran horizontal to me. As I drew up he stopped and looked at me for what to seem to be 15 min, as I held the old early 90's crossbow. The weight started to get to me as he moved on. I shot him moving as I watched my arrow in flight because it was so far away. I stuck him right in the vitals as he was moving on in search of a hot doe. He ran through a thicket up on a small hill in the woods. As I tracked him, I kept telling myself I know I got him good. There he was laying there, a shot through both lungs. He my biggest to date after 21 years of hunting every season.


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Pat Calahan

Pat Calahan

12 years ago

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