Pete Vacca



By 12 years ago

2797 views 7 comments

I put these two side by side. I believe the one on the left was said to weigh 220 lbs and the one on the right was shot this year and said to weigh 280. Y'all share this around and tell me everything you know about these two potential world's record wolves and which one you think is bigger.


Nick Melnyk

Nick Melnyk

Scary looking animals. Look at the snouts on them, holy.
Wild Fox

Wild Fox

Sorry...they are just so beautiful...sad to see them dead...
Robert Chase

Robert Chase

It is easy to say they are beautiful when they aren't running down your livestock!!! But I do have to agree they are very beautiful when hanging on the wall.
Dawson Campbell

Dawson Campbell

holy whaa!
Austin Preece

Austin Preece

where were they shot?
Eugenio Garza

Eugenio Garza

Of course the One on the left is bigger may be a little skinny I have a Blak One too Big but nothing like this!!!
Tanner Sipes

Tanner Sipes

Huh i have to tell my sister twilight is real
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