Warrior Outdoors


Michael’s First Deer

By 12 years ago

Mississippi 4931 views 6 comments

Source : http://bigrackbowhuntingclub.com/wp-content/uploads/Michaels_first_deer_6-1030x...

I get your first deer is awesome but really? It looks like he ate all the insides raw.


mark king

mark king

thats discusting
Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

thats not discusting its is the initiation
KJ Wilson

KJ Wilson

that is a bit much. I can't imagine having that smell right by my nose.
james saal

james saal

at a boy
AJ Capanear

AJ Capanear

the smell of blood? its his first kill. he doesn't look like he minds. Im sure moms going to kill dad though haha
Tommy Cleveland

Tommy Cleveland

here in Georgia it a tradition with your first deer
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