chuckles norris


Man carrying buck out of woods.

By 13 years ago

9877 views 12 comments

Source : deer out woods

Looks like the deer was field dressed but still had to be tough.


Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

He'll make it a good 20 yards.
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

I prefer anything with wheels.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

I guess he didn't want to scrape the hide.
Grace Parker

Grace Parker

it nice to see the guy taking the picture helping :)
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

lol grace
Bill Lewis

Bill Lewis

Dumbass is gonna get shot carrying a deer. One of the first things they teach you in Hunters Safety Courses!
josh Murphy

josh Murphy

lots of breaks he will take
Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

thats the only real way for a man to get game out of the woods lmao
Jon Lalone

Jon Lalone

the guy with the camera must me like my friends rather laugh and take pics then help
Adam Dobell

Adam Dobell

Well Bill Lewis you are right but how do you know he is not on private land and is the only one out there hunting. That is a very nice buck and he made a good shot to the front sholder dead on impact.
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

privet ground or not iv ran into to many people out there in the deer wood that have no idea of boundry lines what so ever so ya id say its back to what they teach ya in class....besides he is walking down a road ...why dont he leave the camera guy and go get the truck.....most places i bow hunt i walk into are between a 1/4 to 3/4 walk through heavy timber...i can cape and debone any deer and back back all the meet out even if i have to take two trips to do it...maybe its just me but i am thanking it was a dare or bet that he couldnt do it...i bench 275 well and trust me free weights ant got nothing on trying to carry a non balanced dead animal ...doubt he made it very far ...
Bill Lewis

Bill Lewis

Adam Dobell. It never stops a poacher from crossing boarders, or shooting into private land. And even anyone who shoots brown and not identifying their target.
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chuckles norris

13 years ago





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