Deer was killed in Clarion County, Pa. and said to weigh 412 lbs. Supposedly could be the heaviest whitetail ever taken. Does anyone know?
Is this the heaviest buck of all time?
By Eric Rogers 12 years ago
Pennsylvania 17100 views 6 comments
By Eric Rogers 12 years ago
Pennsylvania 17100 views 6 comments
Deer was killed in Clarion County, Pa. and said to weigh 412 lbs. Supposedly could be the heaviest whitetail ever taken. Does anyone know?
Laura Carter
I don't know but it sure is a big one.Ki Knott
no possible weighdavid stillo
sorry to say but no ,a deer weighing 525 lbs was shot back in the 60's in minnesota..i have hunted a deer that weighed close to 450 lbs in the past 30 pointer..but i bet for penn. it might be the biggest shot in that state..nice looking buck..grats..Woodrow W
Not sure what he was eating but that is a monster.Gregg Frost
Nice Buck!!! The rear looks like that of a horse!!! congratsCorey Wilkins
I don't think so. The heaviest one in the record books weighed 460+ pounds. I now of one in Mississippi that weighed close to 350 pounds field dressed which would put it somwhere between 450 and 500