Nick McPherson


Her new home

By 13 years ago

1773 views 4 comments

May be a doe but she's my first and she's Purdy


Josie Velazquez

Josie Velazquez

That's a nice mount, doe or not its meat in the freezer:)
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

She had alot of meat on her lol, Gunner my taxidermist said it had a ton of compliments while he had it
Josie Velazquez

Josie Velazquez

Nice, ya if you can feed your family why not I mean who doesnt want a trophy buck...but a doe is just as good of you care about meat..she's a beaut for sure!
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

She's my first deer and my favorite that I saw that season. I have added to it and need to load the pics of the brush I added under her.
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Dropped onto the board:

Old Ky Doe

3 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

13 years ago

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