Zack Doyle


Geese with the Boys

By 13 years ago

PA 2225 views 6 comments

Another decent night for Pa goose hunting!


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Oh don't forget that greenhead too! With Josh Nearhoof and Mike Shope
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I've never hunted geese. Do you hunt at night?
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

No, they'll take you to jail quick fast and in a hurry for that. Waterfowl are federally protected game birds, and as some of us have already found out, you'll get a real nice fine for shooting at or killing geese out of season, even if that means shooting outside of the shooting times for that specific day, or shooting more than your limit. Theyll fine you for not signing your migratory bird stamp across the face ($1000 at the federal level) They'll try to fine you for hunting in cut corn fields that still have corn in them, and accuse you of baiting. They'll check the plugs in your guns, check your decoys, and while they're at it they might as well check your prostate too. We've been given the run around more than once, I can assure you that. Waterfowl hunting, specifically for geese, can be a complete disaster, but it is alot of fun!
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

That's what I assumed. I just don't know the first thing about geese hunting. I've been dove hunting a few times when game wardens will come out, draw down and check licence, birds, the field and plugs. All good though. When they look in my bucket and see nothing but empty shells and no birds, they just feel bad for me and move along.
Brandon Jones

Brandon Jones

Defiantly have to be careful with waterfowl. The first goose I ever shot I'm pretty sure I broke about 5 laws without even knowing it.
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Zack Doyle

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