Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones


dumb deer or dumb hunter?

By 12 years ago

25265 views 28 comments

this is the worst hunter ever


Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

Ha. Both!
max allen

max allen

horrible shot
matthew carlson

matthew carlson

well his gun might have been off he might bumped it on way to stand or somthing u never know
Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

but he need to shot to the center of the buck
Nicholas Seaton

Nicholas Seaton

He should have been able to hip shoot that thing
Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

its true but i think he is new on the huning
Bernard Bedard

Bernard Bedard

this video 8 years old, lol...........
Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

i now but its funny
Edward Bidiman

Edward Bidiman

wow i think my 4yr old daughter can shoot better than he did if inteligence was a factor he would have seen where bullet hit and adjusted the deer was not that far away. plus i wish the deer around here were that stupid you dont even get the chance to chamber a round if they notice you.
Wendy Zeitz

Wendy Zeitz

can u say 3 strikes ur out!!!
Lloyd Sheldon

Lloyd Sheldon

A whole lot of both I think...!!!
Renee Rennaker

Renee Rennaker

Wow that is just plain funny and i hope he learned how to shoot. Thats all i'm saying about that. lol
Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

i thinks he need more that learn, practice
Scott Sebert

Scott Sebert

I would be ashamed to show this Video What a HORRIBLE shot....LOL
Dorothy Fetzer

Dorothy Fetzer

Oh My Gosh! I think someone needs to do a little target practice!
Scott Wuest

Scott Wuest

I had something very similar happen. With my sighted in that day .270 Rem, I shot at a doe, hitting her in the face from 150 yards! I shot three more times before finally taking her out!
I had a perfectly stable rest ( I was prone!).

The next morning, I shot the bullseye out of a target from the same distance. I STILL have no answer as too what happened!

Trust me, I was calm as a cucumber, just trying to put some meat on the table. My son was with me and that circumstance turned him away from hunting for life!

I feel sorry for whom ever that was!
Pam Martin

Pam Martin

well, I think he was looking at the horns....can't eat horns!
Pam Martin

Pam Martin

Ask a woman if she could make this shot... heck yeah, see my profile picture with the mountain goat...350 yard shot...dropped where he stood! Shot after I climbed 2,000' elevation change on the mountain.
jason newman

jason newman

my 12 year old niece shot a walking doe at a hunderd yards droped it in its tracks for her first kill this year and i missed a buck at about 150 yards only got one shot at it. but she showed me up
and i'm proud of her.
Rich Fuhry

Rich Fuhry

Wow 3 shots r u kiddin one an done thats all i need lol
Martha Holland

Martha Holland

Bad hunter..can't shoot worth a crap...the deer wasn't dumb he knew he wasn't gonna' hit can't talk the same happened to me this season...only I hit him on the 3rd shot but not good enough..blood ran out and never did find him...:(
Wan Chen

Wan Chen

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Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

Alessandro Ramirez Quiñones

12 years ago



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