Anthony Gonzales


Coyote Kill

By 13 years ago

Ohio 8239 views 12 comments

Seen three coyotes today managed to sneak up on this one. Had to crawl along bean field to get in range got a shot and unexpectedly after found it realized it had Mange ! first one i seen like this except in other pictures like it.


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Wow this is one of the worst cases of mange I've ever seen. This dog wouldn't have lasted much longer. You did him a favor. Not to mention the fawns in the area.
Anthony Gonzales

Anthony Gonzales

My exact thoughts goin to try get others i seen to.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

He's a mess.
none of  your business

none of your business

Thats one pelt I don't think anyone'll want to buy!
Vern Bullock

Vern Bullock

he barely has a pelt.
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Looks like something they would try and pass as the Chupacabra
Shane Koito

Shane Koito

Now you can tell what people are mistaking for chupacabras.
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

That's the worst I've seen.
Bethany Stamper

Bethany Stamper

I agree with Zack you did that animal a favor and putting it out of his misery.
Anthony Gonzales

Anthony Gonzales

what do you do with one in condition like this ? dispose of it in any way ? kinda had to scratch my head on this one.
Derek Taussig

Derek Taussig

I'd burn it and get a coyote call and make sure I could kill as many off to keep the disease from spreading!
Anthony Gonzales

Anthony Gonzales

good idea will remember that.
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Anthony Gonzales

Anthony Gonzales

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