Skip Mahoney


Big Black

By 12 years ago

Montana 11734 views 17 comments

This photograph is said to be a Montana wolf, taken by hunter Travis Boughton earlier this month, while he and his father were elk hunting. According to Travis, this "wolf" was chasing the bulls Travis and his father were hunting. But look closely. Is that really a wolf, or something...more?


seth Myers

seth Myers

what more could it be
Derek Kildow

Derek Kildow

it looks fake
Derek Kildow

Derek Kildow

it looks fake
Addie Garretson

Addie Garretson

it is real and you should be proud
Robert Chase

Robert Chase

I agree with Seth what more can it be but a tree huggin died wolf with roled back eyes
Floyd Bradley

Floyd Bradley

can you say photo shop if it's not ill take it back !
thatcher morrison

thatcher morrison

i would be scared if that thing walked past me and i didnt have a gun
Carlos De Valdes

Carlos De Valdes

Photoshop, Look at the outlines of the jacket....
walter mcginnis

walter mcginnis

that's what you call evolution! bigger game ; bigger preditors
Bailey Leigh Ann

Bailey Leigh Ann

Look at the legs though... Both the front and the back legs look weird but in different ways. This is so grippy, I'm eager to figure out with the odd thing is about this picture.
Elliott Penner

Elliott Penner

for all of you who think it is bigger than normal you should Google, the photographic technique, Forced perspective.
Bob Hutchings

Bob Hutchings

I don't think dealing with 6 of those in the woods would be healthy.
Trevor Davis

Trevor Davis

Can't anyone just give a hunter credit for a nice kill anymore? If it is photo-shopped who cares. Thats his problem and he has to live with it. Everyone these days is jealous about other people killing a nice animal and has the need to have to bring them down by saying things are photo-shopped. Maybe if you people would get off the damn internet and get in the woods you might shoot an animal you too can brag about and be proud of....
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

its a real photo i have Montana wild on as one of my liked things on face book, its a big wolf but not a monster, hes at the back end of it and its laying towards the camera making it elongated, nothing faked just a big ass wolf and a hell of a nice trophy
Aric Strauch

Aric Strauch

I agree with Trevor!
Harvey Bennett

Harvey Bennett

that thing was walking on its two hind legs
Christina Rheaume

Christina Rheaume

Praying you get terminal cancer. Family would be ok too, maybe better.
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