Alec Schrank


Another Button-Buck

By 12 years ago

Frederick, County, Virginia 1889 views 4 comments

He came out in the last 5 mins. until sunset when a car scared him away then came right back and when I shot him he died before he hit the ground.


Tommy Cleveland

Tommy Cleveland

why would you shoot that? :(
Alec Schrank

Alec Schrank

Me and my dad thought it was a doe
Alec Schrank

Alec Schrank

He is also going to a good cause (Hunters for Hungry)
Tommy Cleveland

Tommy Cleveland

you should know how to tell the difference. i donate a bunch to the hunters for the hungry as well. It is a great program. Ways to tell difference: if it is alone don't shoot it unless it is a big buck, size that is about 60lbs shouldn't shoot any deer below about 100 depending on where you are(I am in North Georgia where 100 is a mature doe), buttons have legs that look abnormally large, does have a crest on their noses does will be very alert while fawns are careless. It is very hard to tell the difference between a button and a doe fawn so dont shoot either. I am not trying to criticize you but these are just tips.
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Originally Dropped by:

Alec Schrank

Alec Schrank

12 years ago




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