Woodrow W


Alabama Piebald Video.

By 12 years ago

4565 views 4 comments

Great video of a bowhunter taking an eight point piebald from a deer stand in Alabama.


Audra Goss

Audra Goss

Whoever held the camera had no sense of direction. Half the time you can't even see the deer.
Dave Castle

Dave Castle

Awesome buck and great to get it on film. To Audra, the gentleman who killed the deer is also the one who was filming. Unless your an octopuss this is difficult especially with a bow. Well done.
Jacob Saunders

Jacob Saunders

nice buck but but u might want to work on shooting a bit more if that would have been a bit lower or a lil more back you most likely would not have found that deer......and yea its very hard to get good video with a bow
Dominick Constantino

Dominick Constantino

sweet kill.... looks like your a smart man and shooting a slick trick!!
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