Brian Matthews


238-Inch Non-Typical Downed in Ohio

By 12 years ago

Ohio 18771 views 10 comments

Another big one from this month. 238-inch colossal non-typical downed in Hamilton County, Ohio. If what I'm hearing is true, the hunt was captured on film, and could be the biggest bow buck ever filmed.


Todd N Ashley Miller

Todd N Ashley Miller

i am in butler county ohio! i would love to kill a beast like this!!! he is amazing!


i dont see a entrance or exit wound ,, not sayin its fake ,, but if there was a video of this i wanna see it !!!!!
Cyril Walsh

Cyril Walsh

and shouldn't the toung be hanging out too


good job...amazing buck ....congrats ... let's see the video ?
david platt

david platt

congratulations from the other side of the state on your Incredible harvest!
Brian Ross

Brian Ross

Awesome buck nice for a Ohio deer:)
Mike Mellon

Mike Mellon

where is the film at i wanna see it i used to live in Hamilton county up till 3 yrs ago
Remo Carpeneto

Remo Carpeneto

What a monster. Congrats !
Colt Ford

Colt Ford

i want the head k
kori coro

kori coro

what did u shoot that monster with?
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Big Ol' Bucks

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Originally Dropped by:

Brian Matthews

Brian Matthews

12 years ago

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