Tom Ackley


NEW!! Leggins for Boar hunting, coon hunting, ATVing

By 13 years ago

1811 views 2 comments

Estimated Price: $ 45

Leggins made from ballistic nylon. Our leggins are the cheapest around. Big box stores prices are from 59.99 - 135.00!

We are offering ours for an introductory price of only $45.00

We have added an extra buckle to the side of ours for a more contour fit, "they" give you 2 buckles.

Ours is made from the same fabric!!

These are a must for boar hunting, they also work great for those dark nights in the woods coonhunting and ATVing !!

We do our best to keep coming out with new products and keep them affordable for the average hunter who deserves the very best!

They are available with 3 buckles or 3 snaps, your preference.
Been in business for 5 years, no returns or complaints, everything made here in the USA!! We are the turkey gear headquarters!!


Carlos De Valdes

Carlos De Valdes

Are they Snake bite Proff
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Tom Ackley

Tom Ackley

13 years ago

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