Olivia St. James


Would You Shoot?

By 12 years ago

New Hampshire 2494 views 3 comments

taken by a hiker in New Hampshire


Matthew Lichti

Matthew Lichti

PHOTOSHOP! it's gotta be!
Olivia St. James

Olivia St. James

No Matthew, not at all. Look it up, it was taken right over in New Hampshire.
ann husser

ann husser

No, it is real. We had one on our hunting lease in pictures and actual siteings.. We would not shoot him and keeep him around for 2 years then some "coonasses" on the lease next to us shot him.

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Dropped onto the board:

Game Cam.

4 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Olivia St. James

Olivia St. James

12 years ago



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