Henry Phillips


World Record Wolf

By 13 years ago

Alberta 214266 views 15 comments

This wolf was shot in Drayton Valley, Alberta. It weighed over 230 lbs beating the previous world's record of 175lbs.


Henry Phillips

Henry Phillips

In Alberta, wolves bounties are still offered by some local governments. Starting in 2010, the Municipal District of Big Lakes offered a bounty of $300 per adult wolf, leading to 290 wolves worth $87,000 by mid-2012.
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

I do a lot of hunting with predator calls. Here's a good manual one amzn.to/S2SBMe and here's a good electric one amzn.to/S2SPTN
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

That's a big one! Would hate to meet up with it in the woods. (unarmed)
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

You ain't kiddin
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

thats the kind of animals that give people nightmares, and makes legends look real
Matthew Lawson

Matthew Lawson

sure does give nightmares, did that thing turn into a person little while after you shot it. never seen a wolf any where near that size besides what the movies make them look.
Marco Reyes

Marco Reyes

you just killed jacob..!!!!!
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

what a wolf !!!!!!!!!!
jeremy penrose

jeremy penrose

i seen that in a magazine last year, I think North American Whitetail not sure but yea HUGE wolf, it's taller than him
james saal

james saal

reminds me of the grey
Dustin Fashing

Dustin Fashing

wow thats huge !!!
david stillo

david stillo

sorry to burst somebodys bubble but was just looking on minnesota wolf sight they just opened up wolf season there this year and a 285 pound gray wolf was killed there..will post a picture of it ...im a hunter but i don't think i would shoot a wolf unless i had too,have seen alot of them in the wild..
Dave Shearer

Dave Shearer

Very nice wolf !
Lloyd Sheldon

Lloyd Sheldon

Especially if there was a pack, Jerry...Sure a nice specimen though...!!!
Greg Carson

Greg Carson

While I'm not a fan of the hunting of predators (unless it's for meat, of course ;) , I'm impressed at this bag. I'd hate to meet that guy under a full moon! That's the kind of wolf that could take your face off with a snick an flash of fangs.
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Henry Phillips

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