I put these two side by site. I believe the one on the left was said to weigh 220 lbs and the one on the right was shot this year and said to weigh 285 lbs. Y'all share this around and tell me everything you know about these two potential world's record wolves and which one you think is bigger.
Ryan Fetterly
the on to the rightRyan Fetterly
the guy to the left can actually lift his of the groundEric Rogers
the white wolf on the right looks heavier. I'd like to know what he's been eating. I can't remember where the hone on the left was killed. For that matter, I'm not sure where the one on the right was killed either.Patrick Woodruff
either way their both nice kills!!cory schneider
both nice but the one on the right looks thicker. but the guy looks smaller too.. its close, regardless both very nice.Ryan Fetterly
the one on the right: 285lbs Minnesota WolfRyan Fetterly
one on the left: Drayton Valley, Alberta 230 lbsScott Cuccio
Well the guy on the left looks to be taller which makes his look bigger sooooStephen Carpino
the one on the left!!Stephen Carpino
regardless a pic doesnt reveal weight and its hard to tell.....A certified scale tells it allcory schneider
no but the article does lolDiane Preteau
Left appears biggerDiane Preteau
Left, hind quarters look biggergavin williams
one thing i would not hunt for is wolves i just love wolves their awsome but i say the black one on the leftVance Byers
left his feet are bigger you know what they say. my what big feet you haveKarl Watts
The white wolf is slightly smaller,"Weight at time of taking is a reflection of how good he just ate." The man holding white wolf is on one knee. And the Black wolf's paws are much larger and fluffy fur aside the rear haunches are the real tell tale, and the paw to shoulder length."Karl Watts
The white wolf is slightly smaller,"Weight at time of taking is a reflection of how good he just ate." The man holding white wolf is on one knee. And the Black wolf's paws are much larger and fluffy fur aside the rear haunches are the real tell tale, and the paw to shoulder length."matthew carlson
the guy on the right isnt on his knees hes just leaning back because the wolf is heavy you also got to look at the time of year for the fur winter fur is going to be much thicker you also take into account male female these wolfs where both huge wolves but i believe the left wolf is bigger based on length of the body and size of his head the head is the real determiner and for the person who said because the left can lift higher it must be lighter then you gata look at the guys there is prolly a 20 year difference in the men and a height difference so my vote goes for the leftCole Sametts
Seeing as the claimed weight is 100lbs over the official record I call B.S. on both of them.joshua LAFAVOR
the one on the right the guy is bout to break his back picking it up but they r very close i will stick to hunting in the south where there isnt any wolves