My buddy shot this on the weekend and asked me what it was. I have no idea and I asked the old boys and they just say
My buddy shot this on the weekend and asked me what it was. I have no idea and I asked the old boys and they just say
MRORD Duckhounds waterfowl
57 views and still no ideas hahaJames Green
Don't know, kinda looks like some sort of grebe?William Baker
Where was it shot?MRORD Duckhounds waterfowl
It was shot in a marsh in Ontario, Canada.Kent Fitzgerald
Sort of looks like a coot.Emily Teel
Maby a pied- billed grebe.Will Hicks
yeah it looks like a grebe .Bryan Cook
its a coot we shoot them all the time on the south shore of lake erieBryan Cook
wrap the Brest in bacon great eatMRORD Duckhounds waterfowl
Thanks Bryan I'll be sure to pass that onto my buddy. Cheers.Richard Beauchemin
this bird is not a duck it's a young Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps)