Zack Doyle


Turkey with Dad

By 13 years ago

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Dad and I got out to do some turkey hunting together one morning a few years back. I was primarily just going along to call for him, but ended up shooting this bird when he insisted I do so. We set up first thing in between 4 jakes and this tom, all of which gobbled their heads off on the roost. When they hit the ground, they met, and the gobbler pounded the jakes into submission. A few soft yelps on my mouth call, and they ran full bore at us. I killed the tom 5 minutes after legal shooting time, and we were back in bed early. Obviously this picture was taken later after we woke up. Notice the sweat pants. Classy right?


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Nice bird.
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Dropped onto the board:

Gobble Gobble

8 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

13 years ago



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